The Ultimate Giant Betta Care Guide


Ever heard of the giant betta? Perhaps you have, or maybe you haven’t. Giant bettas look just like regular betta fish, but they are much larger. In fact, they are about twice the size of a normal betta fish!

They look like normal betta fish, but they need slightly different care. Giant bettas, as the name implies, are larger than the average betta fish, so a larger tank is need. Unfortunately, a 5 gallon probably won’t be a good tank size, but they still don’t need a large aquarium.


Giant Betta (Probably King Betta)

The giant betta iis similar the average betta fish, just as I stated, larger. They are usually seen in blue, green, red and orange. They still have those beautiful fins that make the betta so loved, so if you like the betta fish, you’re most likely going to love the giant betta.

Usual Behavior

Just like normal bettas, giant betta fish are aggressive, so always be careful when picking tank mates. They can still have tank mates however, especially for females. But again, always be careful when you’re picking tank mates so that no fish gets hurt, or worse, die.


The giant betta fish has around the same lifespan; 2-3 years. They aren’t the longest living fish in the world, but like any fish, if they die within the next month or even year, they probably didn’t die of old age, unless you bought an older betta fish.


The giant betta can get as long as 5 inches in length! That’s twice the size of a regular betta fish! Remember that whenever you are buying a tank for one of these fish.

Giant Betta Care

These fish need to be cared for properly. They need specific water parameters, so try to keep the parameters within range that these fish do best in.

Tank Size

Because of their larger size, Giant bettas do best in at least a 10 gallon aquarium. Remember that these fish are fairly large and will need a sufficient amount of space. Ten gallon aquariums are still not massive though.

Tank Mates

Remember that these fish are aggressive, just like normal betta fish. So, be cautious when you’re picking tank mates for these fish. Male bettas are NOT good tank mates, so never keep them together. You can keep cory catfish, kuhli loaches and guppies with these fish.


They will eat the foods that standard bettas will eat such as …

  • Flakes
  • Pellets
  • Freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms
  • Frozen mealworms and baby brine shrimp

Water Parameters

Remember that these fish have specific water parameters. Always try your best to keep the water parameters in the ideal range.

  • Water Temperature: 75-76 degrees Fahrenheit (OR 23.8-24.4 Celsius)
  • pH: 6.8-7.0
  • Water Hardness: 5-20 dGH

Possible Diseases

There aren’t many resources that claim that giant bettas have their diseases that they specifically get. Watch out for Ich (Whitespot Disease), Velvet, and other diseases that standard bettas can get.

Typical Price

Giant bettas aren’t super common. From the online stores I went to, they were around $40-$50 US! Again, giant bettas are not common. So, expect to pay a little more for one.

Breeding Giant Betta Fish

Breeding giant bettas is the same as breeding normal betta fish. You will need a breeding pair, two heated 10 gallon (one for the male which will be the breeding tank, and one for the female) and preferably a divider for the tank. The tank for the female can have plants. Also, remember that the breeding tank should not have gravel. You will need the water to be 80 degrees Fahrenheit or about 26.6 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the betta fish are seperated for the time being.

Condition the bettas for breeding by feeding them live foods for about a week. After then, introduce the two bettas BETWEEN A DIVIDER or in separate tanks side by side so that they can see each other. Once you know that they are ready to breed, you can remove the divider (if you have one) and keep an eye on the pair. The male will chase the betta, but that is said to be normal. Once they are done breeding, the male will take the eggs and place them in his bubble nest. If the female tries to eat the eggs, make sure to remove her from the breeding tank.

There is much more to the whole breeding process and caring for the eggs and if you would like to successfully breed them, I highly recommend reading Tropical Fish Care Guides’ article about breeding bettas.

Is The Giant Betta For Me?

If you want an interesting fish, perhaps the giant betta is for you! Giant bettas are just like standard betta fish., just simply larger. So, they are just as beautiful as standard betta fish. They are interesting fish and great for those who love standard betta fish.

Check Out These Articles!

Resources About Giant Betta Fish:

Fish Keeping World

The Complete Giant Betta Care Guide

Tropical Fish Care Guides

9 Proven Steps: How To Breed Betta Fish The Easy Way

JV Betta

Giant Betta Fish

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