Green Neon Tetra Care – Tank Size, Tank Mates, Price, And More!

The green neon tetra is a small, freshwater fish. These fish look similar to the neon tetra, only green in color. In fact, they look so similar that they are often called the false neon tetra!

They don’t need a large tank and should be in soft and lukewarm water, but they can stay in the water as cold as 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Overall, they are a great fish to have if you are just an amateur and don’t want a fish that is hard to keep.


A green neon tetra in a planted aquarium

The appearance of this fish can throw people off sometimes. it looks so similar to other small tetra species like the neon tetra that they will mistake it for another tetra species!

The main difference between the green neon tetra and other types of tetras is the color of their stripes. Green neon tetras will have a shiny green stripe, unlike similar species.

Usual Behavior

The green neon tetra is a peaceful, schooling fish, so you don’t have to worry about these fish making a lot of trouble.

Although you can just have 6 in a tank, it is highly recommended that you get at least 10 green neon tetras. These fish do best in larger schools.

Tank Setup

You don’t have to stress too much about their tank setup, but it’s advised that you add live plants.

You could add some some driftwood and rocks so you’re green neon tetras can hide when they want to.

Typical Lifespan

These fish will typically live for around 2-3 years when they are cared for properly.

Remember that low water quality can and will ultimately shorten your fish’s lifespan, so make sure your fish are healthy and the water parameters are ideal.


Green neon tetras only get around an inch in length, so they are just slightly smaller than the neon tetra.

They don’t need a very large tank, but these fish should be in larger schools, so make sure they have plenty of space.

Green Neon Tetra Care

These fish aren’t too hard to care for, but they do come with a few challenges.

First, their water has to be very soft, which for some, could be a challenge.

Also, green neon tetras need acidic water, which may also be a challenge, but overall, they are pretty easy to care for.

Tank Size

You can technically keep a school of six in a 10-gallon aquarium, but it isn’t ideal.

These fish need to be in larger schools, so the larger the school, the more space they will need! This is why I recommend getting at least a 15-20 gallon aquarium for these fish instead.

Tank Mates

These fish are so peaceful that all you have to worry about is their tank mates.

Make sure that they are peaceful and smaller in size, or else your green neon tetras could become a snack!

Tank mates include the following:

  • Mystery Snails
  • Black Tetras
  • Danios
  • Cherry barbs
  • Sparkling Gourami
  • Honey Gourami
  • Cory Catfish
  • Livebearers


Green Neon Tetras do best on a diet with variety, so try not to feed them only one food.

These fish will eat fish flakes, live and frozen baby brine shrimp, and bloodworms.

Water Parameters

Green neon tetras are not hard to keep and will live in a variety of water parameters, but if the water parameters are not stable, they still can and will suffer.

So, make sure the water parameters are stable if you want your green neon tetras to live the longest they possibly can.

  • pH of the water: 5.0-6.5
  • Temperature of the water: 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water Hardness: Very soft

Common Diseases

Although not subject to any species-specific diseases, green neon tetras are by no means immune to disease.

The main disease you should look out for is Ich. This ectoparasite will appear as white dots on the fish’s body as it eats into the victim’s body and forms a white dome around itself.

This parasitic disease is fatal, although it can be cured. Luckily, this disease doesn’t progress very fast, but you should still treat it as soon as possible!

Typical Price

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know what you will pay, but you can expect to pay at least 2-3 dollars. Just note that you may pay more or less. It depends on the seller and where you live.

Breeding Tips

If you are going to breed green neon tetras, you are in for a bit of a challenge. Although it is possible, many experienced keepers haven’t succeeded.

First off, you’re going to need a dedicated 20-gallon breeding tank as you’re going to have to remove the fish after they have finished spawning.

The water in the breeding tank should be very acidic (a pH of 5.0 is ideal) and fairly warm (85°F is best).

Dimming the lights in the fish tank is also highly advised as well.

Once you have added the green neon tetras, watch the fish carefully. Males and females will get close during the breeding process.

Females will lay around 100 eggs, which they scatter in various places, but you should see a lot near plants.

Once the eggs are fertilized, quickly remove the adult tetras. Once the fish have hatched and eaten their egg sacs, you may feed them baby brine shrimp or your fry food of choice.

Are Green Neon Tetras for Me?

These fish can live with a variety of fish and  in a wide variety of water parameters, but you may have some problems breeding these fish.

Overall, green neon tetras are a great beginner-friendly fish that will light up your aquarium. Just remember that they do come with a few challenges!


Fishkeeping projectGreen Neon Tetra Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Food, Breeding & MoreFishkeeping WorldThe Complete Green Neon Tetra Care GuideAquarium SourceGreen Neon Tetra Care: Everything You Need To Know!AZ GardenGreen Neon TetraAquatic CartsGreen Neon TetraYoutubeGREEN NEON TETRA CARE – Brilliant Blue Nano Fish for Aquascaping – Girl Talks FishIs This The BEST Neon? Green Neon Tetra Care and Breeding – Prime Time Aquatics

The Ultimate Care Guide For Diamond Tetras

Diamond tetras are hardy, beautiful, beginner-friendly fish and got their name from their reflective scales.

These fish are quite popular because of their stunning appearance and how easy they are to care for. If you are looking for a fish that is easy to care for, yet still stunning, perhaps the diamond tetra is for you.


a shiny, blue fish in an aquariumThe diamond tetra has bluish-gray scales, a tall dorsal fin, and transparent fins. Their fins can either be long or short. It really depends on the type. The picture above depicts a short-finned diamond tetra.These fish are not very large, so they don’t need a very large aquarium. I will talk about their size in a moment.

Usual behavior

Diamond tetras are schooling fish, so they should be in a group of at least 6.

They are generally peaceful and typically aren’t fin nippers if they are in school of at least 6.

Natural Habitat

Diamond tetras inhabit the slow-moving streams in Venezuela where the vegetation is thick.

They were originally found in Lake Valencia, located between the states of Carabobo and Aragua. Unfortunately, the quality of the water there is pretty poor, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need clean water.


The typical lifespan of diamond tetras is 3-6 years. However, as you may know, not every fish lives to its expected lifespan.

Remember that the fish’s environment can affect their lifespan. If the water parameters are off, for example, this can cause your fish to get stressed which greatly increases the chance of them getting sick and dying.

In other cases, it may be from a dirty tank or a lack of oxygen. There are many reasons why fish can die. This is why it’s so important to make sure your fish are healthy and thriving.


The adult diamond tetra gets around 2–2.4 inches in length, so they don’t need a very large tank.

However, they should never be kept in a bowl. In fact, no fish should be kept in a bowl. It just isn’t large enough.

Diamond Tetra Care

shiny, blue tetra is fish tank

By User: A. Ocram-Own work, CC0,

It’s pretty easy to care for diamond tetras. These freshwater fish, surprisingly, rarely get sick, don’t need a very large tank, and can live in a variety of environments.

But, that doesn’t mean they don’t come with their challenges. Always be prepared to take care of the fish you own.

Tank Size

Because of their smaller size, these fish only need a 15-20 gallon tank, which is one of the many reasons why these fish are beginner-friendly.

Keep in mind, however, that the more fish you plan on keeping, the larger your tank should be.

Why do I always stress how important the tank size is? More fish produce more waste, which means the smaller tanks will have to be cleaned more frequently. However, if you have a larger tank, you won’t have to clean the tank as much.

If you have six diamond tetras in a 20-gallon tank, you won’t need to clean the tank that often, but if you have 20, well that’s a different story.

Tank Mates

You don’t have to be concerned about your diamond tetras bullying other fish in the aquarium. These fish are peaceful and rarely aggressive.

Never keep larger, aggressive fish with diamond tetras. They don’t mix well.

As I stated before, these fish aren’t fin nippers, as long as they are in a school of at least 6.Fortunately, they should stop if you add some more fish. If they don’t, they may need a larger tank.

Here are some suitable tank mates.

  • Livebearers (i.e., mollies, swordtails, and platies)
  • Rosy barbs
  • Odessa barbs
  • Celestial pearl danios
  • Cory catfish
  • Congo tetras
  • Tiger barbs


It isn’t very hard to feed these fish. They should accept a variety of live and commercial foods.

These fish should have some live foods as well (like baby brine shrimp or daphnia) from time to time as they are packed with protein which these fish need to thrive.

Here are some foods diamond tetras can have …

  • Flakes
  • Pellets
  • Freeze-dried or live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms
  • Blanched spinach and zucchini

Water Parameters

These fish don’t need very specific water parameters, but they do need softer water.

These fish should be in warmer water with a pH of 7.0 (or neutral).

  • Water Temperature: 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • pH: 6.0-7.5
  • Hardness: 4-8 KH

Common Diseases

These freshwater fish usually don’t get sick, but as you may know, no fish is immune to disease.

Diamond tetras can get common diseases such as Ich, skin flukes, bacteria diseases, and parasitic infections (i.e., protozoa and worms).

If you want to keep your diamond tetras healthy and thriving,  check the water parameters frequently. A sudden change in water parameters will often make fish stressed which often leads to sickness!

Typical Price

These fish are around $3-4 USD, but it depends on the seller. Some may sell their diamond tetras for more, while others may sell theirs for less.


Here are some questions related to diamond tetras.

Do Diamond Tetras Need A Heater?

The short answer is yes. Diamond tetras do need a heater. Typically diamond tetras can’t live in room temperature water.

Are Diamond Tetras Aggressive?

No, diamond tetras are usually peaceful. The only time you need to look out for aggression is during mating season. During this time, the males may get a bit aggressive.


Breeding these fish is fairly easy. However, the biggest challenge is finding a breeding pair (or pairs). You see, the pair should be the same age and size. This can be a bit tricky.

Males are typically brighter and more colorful than the females. Females with eggs will have a rounded stomach.

Diamond tetras can be spawned in one or six pairs. How many should you spawn? Well, it depends on how many eggs you want.

The breeding tank should be a 20-gallon aquarium. The water should be warm (around 78°–84° Fahrenheit or 25.5–28.8 ° Celsius) and the pH should be slightly acidic (around 5.5–6.5).

The water in the tank has to be clean, so filtration is essential.

There should also be something for the female to deposit her eggs. Java moss should do fine.

When you add your breeding pair(s), make sure all the lights are off. Then slowly increase the light levels again. This should trigger the spawning process.

Don’t worry if your pair(s) don’t start breeding right away. Spawning could take up to 2 days.

Once the spawning process is over, immediately remove the breeding pair(s). If you don’t, they will eat the eggs!

The eggs should hatch in the next 24–36 hours. After around a few days, when the fish become free-swimming (they will feed on the egg sac for around 3 days), feed the fry baby brine shrimp or infusoria.

Are Diamond Tetras for Me?

If you want a beautiful, small tetra, then maybe diamond tetras are for you.

Diamond tetras are hardy, peaceful, which makes them a great beginner-friendly fish. They can also thrive with a variety of fish. Just make sure these tetras aren’t with larger, more aggressive fish.


Aquarium Source

Diamond Tetra 101: Care, Tank Mates, Size & More!

Fishkeeping World

Diamond Tetra Care & Species Profile

Meet The Pet

Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia Pittieri)


Diamond tetra

Fish Laboratory

Ultimate Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) Care Instructions

Life Of Fish

Diamond Tetra Must Know Care Facts, Behavior, Breeding

Fish Tank Advisor

Diamond Tetra

My Aquarium Club

A Diamond In The Rough: Diamond Tetras (Moenkhausia Pittieri)

The Ultimate Rummy Nose Tetra Care Guide

The rummy nose tetra (hemigrammus bleheri) is a iconic, schooling fish.

There are so many tetras out there; neon tetras, black skirt tetras, cardinal tetras and the list just goes on and on. But, most fishkeepers have heard of rummy nose tetras.

In this article, I’ll talk about all the basics to caring for rummy nose tetras. From their ideal tank size, to possible diseases, to the equipment you will need.

Unfortunately, rummy nose tetras aren’t great beginner fish as they are sensitive to parameter changes even though they’re typically advertised as a beginner friendly fish. So If you’re a beginner, I recommend looking for another fish to keep,


Gray fish with back and white tail and red head
By User:Lerdsuwa – Own photo (400D + 50/1.4), CC BY-SA 3.0,

These popular tetras have a bright red colored head and a gray body. They have clear fins for the most part as most tetras do.

They have tall dorsal fins and don’t grow very large, so they don’t need an enormous aquarium.

Typical Behavior

They are a schooling fish so they enjoy to be in groups. It’s usually recommended to keep in schools of at least six. However, a group of at least 13 is recommended.

Otherwise, the fish could get stressed which is not good for the fish or even you for that matter. If the fish are stressed, this will cause them to be susceptible to sickness which can make you stressed.


You would usually expect smaller to not live as long, but believe it or not, there are many small aquarium fish that can live for many years.

And rummy nose tetras are no exception. These little guys, like chili rasboras, can live for a whopping eight years, even though they’re so small.


These fish only get around 2.5 inches when they’re fully grown.

Remember that even though they aren’t huge, you can still overstock the tank.

Rummy Nose Tetra Care

Remember that if you want them to live a long time, make sure that they stay healthy. Make sure that they aren’t stressed and that they aren’t over or underfed. Over and underfeeding can cause a lot of problems.

Tank Size

I recommend getting at least a 20 gallon long, but a 30 gallon would be better.

The only reason why I say this is because these fish are just really active, so make sure they have plenty of room to swim. Otherwise, they could get cramped.

Tank Mates

Remember that you don’t keep aggressive fish with rummy nose tetras as it might not end well for the them if you know what I mean. Here are some suitable tank mates.

  • Dwarf Gouramis
  • Guppies
  • Mollies & Platys
  • Zebra Danios
  • Celestral Pearl Danios


They shouldn’t be that hard to feed. They enjoy flake foods as well as some bloodworms, baby brine shrimp and daphnia as treats.

Make sure that you don’t add too much food as it can make the tank dirty quicker which is not good for you or the fish.

Water Parameters

Like I stated earlier, rummy nose tetras are sensitive to changes in the water parameters, so make sure that they’re stable.

  • pH: 5.5-6.8
  • Temperature: 75-84 degrees Fahrenheit or 23.8 to 28.8 Celsius
  • Hardness: 2-8 KH

Possible Diseases

Here are some of the diseases that rummy nose tetras can get.

  • Ich (aka White Spot Disease)
  • Dropsy

Ich is a very common parasite that aquarium fish can get. Treat the fish with commercial Ich medicine, or use aquarium salt.

Typical Prices

It really depends on where you buy them at, but online stores I visited sold them anywhere from 2-5 dollars a piece, so expect to pay anywhere from $24-60 US for a group of 12.


Here are some commonly asked questions.

Do Rummy Nose Tetras Nip Fins?

It really depends. I’d make sure that the tank is large enough until you start getting other fish.

Make sure that you don’t get any fish with long fins like bettas; fin nippers love long, flowy fins. So, technically they are reported to nip fins.

Are Rummy Nose Tetras Hardy?

Although some will say that they are hardy, they are sensitive to changes with the water parameters, so they aren’t the easiest fish to care for.

How Long Do Rummy Nose Tetras Live?

Rummy nose tetras can actually live up to eight years if they are taken care of properly.

What Equipment You Need

So, now that you know what their ideal water parameters are and what to expect with these fish, here’s what you need.

  • At least a 20 gallon long
  • A heater
  • A external filter
  • A siphon if you have gravel or sand
  • A fish net

This isn’t everything you’ll need, you are most likely going to need these things. I don’t recommend getting a heater if the room tempature is 75-80 degrees, but you will need a filter.

When it comes to decorations, that’s really up to you, but I recommend getting some live plants to put around the perimeter of the aquarium. Most fishkeepers use gravel, sand or aquarium soil for substrate.

Feel free to also add rocks, driftwood if you want to spice up the tank even more.


First off, you’re going to need a breeding tank. Many fish will need one and if you have bred fish before, then you may already have one.

Set up a 10 gallon breeding tank. The water should be 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit or 27.7-30 degrees Celcius. The pH should be 6.0-6.2 and the water should be hard (4-6 DH).

Make sure that you have a great filter. The water should be vert clean. Live plants and java moss should also be in the tank. Add the pair that you chose and the pair should breed in the next two days.

Once they have bred, release the pair before they eat the eggs.

I recommend checking out this article from It’s A Fish Thing if you want a little more in depth guide.

Are Rummy Nose Tetras For Me?

If you want a medium-sized, peaceful fish, then perhaps they are.

Just remember to never keep these fish with large and aggressive fish. It doesn’t end well for the rummy nose tetras.


Fish Keeping World

Rummy Nose Tetra Care Guide & Species Profile

Tetra Fish Care

Rummy Nose Tetra Care Sheet: Tank Mates, Lifespan, Size, Breeding

It’s A Fish Thing

How To Breed Rummy Nose Tetras

Fish Tank Advisor

Rummy Nose Tetra: Explore this Shoaling Beauty

How To Care For Ember Tetras

The Ember Tetra is an amazing fish for almost any small aquarium. This fish are super small, so should easily be able to live in a small aquarium.

These fish are almost guaranteed to brighten up any aquarium you have. They are also pretty hardy, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to know how to care for them.


school of red fish in a fish tank
By Mbdtsmo – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

If you’re looking for a beautiful fish, get some ember tetras! These fish are stunning!

These fish are a great touch to almost any aquarium.

Usual Behavior

Ember tetras are a schooling fish, so I recommend getting at least a school of 6 or more.

They are peaceful fish and unlikely to be the bully of the aquarium.


Expect these little guys to live up to three years. Remember to care for these fish properly so they can live as long as possible.


Ember tetras don’t even get an inch long (about .75 inches in length), so will never need a large aquarium. That doesn’t mean they can live in tiny aquariums though.

Ember Tetra Care

Okay, now that we know a little bit about these fish, it’s time to learn how to care for them. Always keep any fish you have to the best of your ability so they will live a long, happy life.

Tank Size

Saying that these fish don’t get even an inch long, they can easily live in a 5 gallon aquarium. But, many aquarists recommend keeping these fish in a 10 gallon tank.

How Many Ember Tetras For A 10 Gallon?

I’d say for every gallon of water you have, you can have one ember tetra. So, for a 10 gallon tank, you could keep about 10 fish.

I suppose you could also have a few more saying how small they are, but make sure that you don’t overstock your tank!

Tank Mates

These fish really aren’t that aggressive, so just make sure that these fish are kept with other peaceful fish that are around the same size. You can keep neon tetras, guppies, and danios along with these fish.

Remember to never keep any large and/or aggressive fish with ember tetras, or else they might turn into a snack!


Saying that these fish such tiny mouths, it might be a little hard finding food to feed these fish.

You could always feed your ember tetras live foods like baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels and baby daphnia.

If you can’t feed these fish live foods all the time (which I understand), then I recommend feeding adults (not ember tetra fry) some fry food.

Yes, ember tetras are so small that they should be fed fry food when they’re adults, not fry.

Water Parameters

Make sure that the parameters in the water are stable. Unstable water parameters can make the fish stress which will make them susceptible to diseases!

  • pH: 5.5-7.0
  • Temperature: 68-82 Fahrenheit or 20-27.7 Celsius)
  • Hardness: 1-10 dKH

Possible Diseases

They’re pretty hardy, but that doesn’t mean they never get sick. Watch out for the following diseases and health conditions.

  • Bloat
  • Ich/White Spot Disease
  • Constipation

Typical Price

The online stores I visited sold them for just about 2-3 dollars an individual. So, they aren’t super expensive.


Here are some frequently asked questions about ember tetras.

Do Ember Tetras School?

Yes, ember tetras do school and I recommend getting at least 6 or more. If you don’t, your fish might get stressed which can make them susceptible to illnesses.

Are Ember Tetras Aggressive?

No, they aren’t aggressive. They are actually pretty peaceful. Remember that when you’re picking tank mates that you don’t get large and aren’t aggressive.

Do Ember Tetras Need A Heater?

Unless your room temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit, then yes. They are tropical fish so they will need warm water.

Are Ember Tetras Easy To Care For?

Yes they are hardy. But, still make sure to keep them the best of your ability.

What Do Ember Tetras Eat?

They will eat a variety of live foods and should also accept fry food. Remember that only adults should be fry food however, as the fry’s mouths are just too small.

Breeding Ember Tetras

Breeding ember tetras shouldn’t be that hard. But, there are a few things you need to know.

First of all, ember tetras don’t care for their fry. So, make sure you have a separate tank for them.

In the breeding tank, you’re going to need softer water. A pH of 6.5-6.8 should do. The temperature should be fairly warm; the water should be 73-79 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remember to feed these fish well. The tank should be filled with plants and hiding places for the fish.

Once they have bred (note that the mating ritual is subtle, so may not catch it), separate the parents and the eggs.

The eggs can take 1-2 days to hatch. The fry should grow pretty quickly.

Are Ember Tetras For Me?

The ember tetra is a small, colorful, fish that should brighten up just about any aquarium.

These fish are peaceful and easy to care for, just remember that if you are planning on them having tank mates that they aren’t too large.

So, if you’re looking for a small, beautiful fish that doesn’t need a large aquarium, then perhaps they are.

If you can’t have ember tetras but like their look, I recommend getting some chili rasboras.

Check Out These Articles:


It’s A Fish Thing

Ember Tetras Guide: How Many Can You Have In a 10 Gallon Tank?

Tank Addict

Caring For Ember Tetras: The Perfect Community Fish?

Fish Tank Advisor

Ember Tetra: a Species Profile

Aqua Imports

Ember Tetra – Group of 5 Fish

Live Aquaria

Ember Tetra

Flip Aquatics

Ember Tetra

Emperor Tetra Care – Tank Size, Diet, Price & More!

The Emperor Tetra has a distinct black stripe that runs from the head to tail. They are a small to medium-sized tetra. They are great from the beginner and a great fish to keep in your aquarium if you’re looking for a fish to liven up your aquarium. The Emperor Tetra is a peaceful fish, so it usually does best with most non-aggressive aquarium fish.


emperor tetra
By Citron – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

These fish have a small caudal (tail) fin. As you can also see, they have a thick, black stripe that runs down from their head to their tail. The rest of their body is pinkish in color.

Usual Behavior

With their peaceful nature, these fish are a great fish for any small community tank. However, males may fight. These fights usually aren’t very harmful, but if they do get too aggressive, always separate him from the rest of the fish.

Emperor Tetras are a schooling fish, just like all tetras. A school of 6 or more is recommended. They usually hang around in the top to middle part of the aquarium, but they may occasionally go down to bottom of the tank as well.


The Emperor Tetra lives for around 3-5 years. Always make sure to keep these fish in the right environment so that they won’t die from disease or stress. If you’re fish died before it was this age, it could of died from stress or a disease of some kind.


These fish are smaller fish, only getting no longer than 2 inches in length, which means they don’t need a massive around. But, as they are schooling fish, they can’t just live in a tiny tank.

Emperor Tetra Care

The Emperor Tetra, although a good fish for beginners, need a comfortable environment. Like all fish, Emperor tetras need their own water parameters and tank size. Always try to keep these fish at the best of your ability to keep them healthy,

Tank Size

Because of their smaller size, these fish only need around 10 gallons of water. Always make sure keep them a large enough tank. Also, if you’re thinking about getting more than 6 (or want a community tank), consider getting a larger tank.

Tank Mates

These fish do best with a school of 6 or more with one alpha male. If you’re thinking about other tank mates. You can consider …

  • Ember Tetras
  • Cory Catfish
  • Platies
  • Guppies
  • Dwarf Gourami
  • Serpae Tetras


Emperor Tetras can have both pellet and flake food, but a good supplement for them would be freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms, and brine shrimp.

Water Parameters

These fish have fairly wide water parameters. So, water parameters shouldn’t be something that you have to worry about a lot.

  • pH: 5.0-7.8
  • Water Temperature: 73-81 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 23.8-27.2 Celsius)
  • Hardness: 3-8 dGH

Tank Setup

Emperor Tetras do best with plenty of vegetation in the tank with dim lighting. They also need plenty of places to hind. So, try to have plenty of plants throughout the aquarium. Live plants will not only help replicate their natural environment, but it will also serve as a place to hide. You could also add driftwood and rocks as well.

Possible Diseases

Emperor Tetras can get Ich & gill Flukes. Ich is a common disease that all fish can get. It is a external parasite that eats away at the host and creates a white capsule around it. This will make the fish look like salt had been sprinkled on it.

Typical Price

From the online stores I went to, they were usually around 5-6 dollars. This unfortunately might be slightly expensive. If you don’t believe you can afford these fish, you may also like Black Skirt Tetras which are much cheaper and look similar too. You should also know that the price will vary depending on where you go to.


To breed Emperor Tetras, you will need a breeding pair. Separate the pair to a bare-bottom breeding tank as the male will be aggressive when spawning. Feed the pair life foods before you attempt to spawn them. Make sure the water temperature stays at 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit, there is neutral (7.0) pH, and that the water is very soft.

Keep the lights subdue. These fish breed during dawn. The female will lay anywhere from 50-100 eggs! After the female is finished laying her eggs, remove the pair as they will eat the eggs. Now, add a sponge filter & perform weekly water changes. The fry will hatch within 1-2 days!

Are Emperor Tetras For Me?

If you want a tetra that’s easy to care for, but a little different from most tetras, than perhaps Emperor Tetras are for you. They are a peaceful schooling fish and are great fish for a community tank with other peaceful fish.

Emperor Tetras are great tetras. They are a great fish for beginners who want a neat beginner, schooling fish for their small tank.

Check Out These Articles!


Aquarium Source

Emperor Tetra 101: The Complete Care Guide

The Spruce Pets

Emperor Tetra Fish Species Profile

Pet Fish For Sale

Emperor Tetra

World Wide Fish & Pets

Black Emperor Tetra

How To Care For Black Skirt Tetras

The Black Skirt Tetra is a larger tetra that is personally one of my favorite tetra species. They are an exotic color and just is a beautiful fish. They originate in the rivers of South America and a tropical fish. If you’re looking for a cheap, medium-sized, beautiful tetra, then maybe the Black Skirt Tetra is for you!


Black Skirt Tetras are a medium-sized tetra. They have an almost abnormally large anal fin. Unfortunately, as they age, their colors begin to fade. You can help keep their colors longer as long as you give them a healthy environment. There are two varieties for these fish; one with long fins and another variety shorter fins.

Usual Behavior

The Black Skirt Tetra is a schooling fish and it’s recommended to keep at least 6 of these fish in order to keep them less stressed. They are fairly peaceful fish, but avoid fish with long fins as they are fin nippers. If you are keeping the long fin variety of these fish, this can’t really be avoided. But try to avoid keeping any more long-finned fish such as betta fish.


Expect for these fish to live for around 3-5 years. These fish aren’t the longest living fish, so don’t expect to have them for too long. But, they aren’t the shortest living fish either, so if they die the next day after you bought them, they probably didn’t die of old age (unless you bought an old fish).


These fish are a medium-sized tetra, getting around 2-3 inches at max. There are tetras that are much larger than even Black Skirts, but they are still a little larger than most common tetras.

Black Skirt Tetra Care

Black Skirts aren’t extremely hard to care for, but they still need a clean tank and should be in the right conditions just like any fish would.

Tank Size

Because of their size, the recommended tank size is 15 gallons. Personally, I would recommend getting a 20 gallon if you can so you can get a larger school and even have enough room to house something else as well. But, a 15 gallon would also work.

Tank Mates

Black Skirt Tetras as I stated earlier are fairly peaceful fish, but try to avoid getting long-finned fish in the tank such as bettas as they are fin nippers. Try to keep other peaceful fish to keep the fish less stressed. Here are some fish you can keep.

  • Cory Catfish
  • Harlequin Rasboras
  • Neon Tetras
  • Cardinal Tetras
  • Celestial Pearl Danios


Black Skirt Tetras don’t need anything special, but live foods are recommended just like other aquarium fish. You can feed these fish foods like …

  • Flake food
  • Pellet food
  • frozen & live bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubifex worms and blackworms

Water Parameters

All fish have their own water parameters. These fish need the following water parameters.

  • pH: 6.0 to 7.5 
  • Water temperature: 75-82 Fahrenheit (or around 23.9 to 33.3 Celsius)
  • Hardness: 4-8 dKH

Tank Setup

Preferably, there should be a darker substrate along with plenty of plants around the perimeter of the tank so that they still have plenty of room to swim around. You could also add rocks and driftwood in the tank.

Possible Diseases

These fish can get Ich, Flukes, Protozoa, Dropsy & Red Pest. Red Pest is a disease that causes blood streaks on the fins and body of the fish. Unfortunately, this disease is internal, so external medicine usually doesn’t help. Flukes, a parasite, can cause a lot of damage to it’s host and should always be treated as soon as possible like all diseases should.

Typical Price

Black Skirt Tetras are usually around $2-$4 USD an individual. But, it really depends on the seller. If you’re going to buy 6, expect it to cost anywhere from $12-$24 USD.

Breeding Black Skirt Tetras

Black Skirts will need another tank during breeding as they aren’t the best parents. In fact, they may even eat their own eggs! The breeding tank will need to be a 10 gallon aquarium and the water parameters should be the same as the main tank. A bonded pair should be added into the breeding tank. Feed them high-protein foods for around 7-10 days, before breeding, 3 times a day.

Once the female is filled with eggs, the male will chase her. If they successfully breed, the female can lay around 1,000 eggs! The eggs should hatch within a 36 days. Make sure that the pair won’t eat the eggs.


Females will be slightly larger than the males. Males will have a large anal fin and will have white dots around the caudal fin. Males will be longer & skinnier, while females will be large and more plump.

Are Black Skirt Tetras For Me?

If you’re looking for medium-sized tetra to brighten up your aquarium, then perhaps Black Skirt Tetras are for you! Black Skirt Tetras don’t need a massive tank and should be easier to care for. Just make sure that the tank is clean and that the fish aren’t stressed. Make sure that the water parameters are where they’re supposed to be so that the fish will be less likely to get a disease. Black Skirt Tetras are beautiful fish and a great touch for any medium-sized, peaceful community tank.

Black Skirt Tetras are beautiful fish. If you have a medium-sized tank and looking for a good fish to add in it, Black Skirt Tetras are a great choice!

Check Out These Articles!


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The Brief Beauty of Black Skirt Tetras

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How to Treat Goldfish Flukes in 5 Steps (Disease Control) (For Information About Flukes)

Fish Keeping World

The Complete Guide to Black Skirt Tetra Care