Can Great Pyrenees Be Black & White? (Answered!)


I’m sure we all have our favorite colors of dogs and if you’re wanting to get a Great Pyrenees, you may ask whether or not Great Pyrenees can be black and white

Yes, while you usually don’t see black and white Great Pyrenees, they do exist. However, I can’t promise that you will find one in your area, as they aren’t that common. In fact, most people don’t even know that they exist! So, if you want to adopt another color of Great Pyrenees, I highly recommend that you keep reading this article!

What Are The Great Pyrenees Colors?

We now know that black and white Great Pyrenees actually do exist, but it isn’t a very common color among Great Pyrenees, so you may be better off getting a different color.

So, what are all the Great Pyrenees coat colors? Let’s find out!


A fluffy white Great Pyrenees standing on snow

The white variation is by far the most common amongst all the colors. White Great Pyrenees don’t have to be all white, though most of the body has to be.

Sometimes, this variation may be mistakened as the only variation, but as you know, this is a myth.


Black Great Pyrenees aren’t actually pure black, but a large portion (at least 1/3) has to be for it to be considered “black.”

Unfortunately, this color variation is not that common compared to white, so you may have some trouble finding one.


A white Great Pyrenees with very light orange ears

The orange variation is not literally pure orange. In fact, you may have a hard time distinguishing them from the white, though they do have a difference.

“Orange” Great Pyrenees have light orange patches around their heads or other parts of their bodies. The color can be found in a variety of shades.

Salt & Pepper

Salt and pepper is like the “black” variation, only a lot more white. The coloration is a lot like that of a border collie or a cow when they are younger, though as they mature, the black begins to spread throughout the body.

This is the best black and white variety in my opinion, though if you want a Great Pyrenees with more black, you might want to look for a “black” Great Pyrenees.

Full Blaireau

The full Blaieau variety is similar to the orange as it’s hard to distinguish between white and this color variation.

The key difference between this variation and the white variation is that the ears and other parts of the body are a light gray.

They also have somewhat orange-tinted fur, though it isn’t quite as profound as “orange” Great Pyrenees.

What Coat Color Is The Most Popular Amongst Pyr Owners?

Though I can’t speak for everyone, what most Pyr owners tend to like the best is white which is understandable as it’s one of the most readily available variations for Great Pyrenees.

When I asked on Facebook what their favorite color of Great Pyrenees is, as would have been expected, the majority said white, though a few also said “white chocolate,” which is white with brown patches.

What Coat Color Is The Most Common For Pyrs?

White is also the most common color you generally find for Great Pyrenees. In fact, it’s so common, some may mistaken it as the only color variation.

Of course, as you know, this is not true, and while most Great Pyrenees are white or are primarily white, there are still other variations, even though they aren’t nearly as common as white.

What Is The Rarest Coat Color For Great Pyrenees?

While I can’t say exactly what the rarest coat color is for Great Pyrenees, full blaireau Great Pyreees are fairly rare, but this is not the rarest color variation.

What’s typically considered one of the rarest color variations ever is any coat with “red” or “brown” on it.

While I obviously don’t mean literal red, there is a color variation that is brown only it has more of a red tint to it. This color is typically called “red.”

Coat Colors That Great Pyrenees Cannot Have

Now, we learned about the coat colors that Great Pyrenees can have, let’s look at a few coat colors they can’t have.

Pure Black

While I said that “black” Great Pyrenees exist, they aren’t pure black, and there is no such thing as a pure black Great Pyrenees.

Again, while there are Pyrs that have patches of black or even mostly black, you’ll likely find at least some spots that are white.

Pure Red

Pure red is also not a possible color variation for Great Pyrenees.

Of course, like I said earlier, I’m not talking about actual red. Instead, what I’m talking about is a red similar that you may find on a Shiba Inu or Dachshund.

It’s even rare to find red spots on a Pyr. In fact it’s so rare most people don’t even know they exist!

Pure Brown

It’s also not possible to have a pure brown Great Pyrenees. Like red, the brown color at all is generally not found on Great Pyrenees.

So, don’t expect that you’ll find a Great Pyrenees with any amount of brown on him any time soon. Like I said, brown is rarely, if not never, seen on a Great Pyrenees.


So, can the Great Pyrenees be black and white? There are two variations (“black” and “salt and pepper”) that are technically black and white, but if you want a black and white Great Pyrenees, I suggest you get one of the salt and pepper variety, though I can’t guarantee you’ll find one up for adoption!

Do you have a black and white Great Pyrenees? Let us know in the comment section below!

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